When is it Time to Replace Your Furnace Air Filter?

Are you noticing a spike in your heating bills during colder months? Are you experiencing worsening air quality inside your home? Are you dealing with constant temperature fluctuations? If so, it may be time for you to change your furnace air filter.

When is it Time to Replace Your Furnace Air Filter?

Are you noticing a spike in your heating bills during the colder months? Are you experiencing worsening air quality inside your home? Are you dealing with constant temperature fluctuations? If so, it may be time to change your furnace air filter. Peak Hydronics in Leduc, AB Canada T4X 0K9 recommends checking the boiler filter every 30 days and replacing it every 3 months. However, there are some signs that indicate that the filter needs to be changed sooner. If your bills have been piling up, dirty and clogged filters could be the cause.

A dramatic increase in bills is a sure sign that your filters need to be replaced right away. Controlling your energy consumption can be difficult, especially with fluctuating temperatures, but your bills will definitely tell. Invest in a new air filter to save up to 15% on your energy bills. You can check the packaging to find out how to replace the filter and what is the recommended interval for changing the oven filter. A number of factors must be taken into account when deciding how often to change an oven filter, and many filter manufacturers recommend how often their product should be replaced.

The filter in your boiler helps your air conditioning system work properly and, at the same time, contributes to the comfort of your home and to air quality. Use a filter with a MERV rating of 12, such as the Nordic Pure Filter (available on Amazon), if your oven can handle it. However, people in the north, whose ovens don't rest for months, may prefer to change the filter every 30 to 60 days, as the filter draws in more air and it will clog up more quickly. The deeper the folds, the greater the surface area of the filter and the more space it has to accumulate airborne particles, so it may not clog as quickly as a flat filter. If furniture gets dirty soon after cleaning the house, the boiler filter could be clogged and stop effectively removing dust from the air.

During a remodeling project, change the boiler filter every 30 days, or even more frequently, to prevent building-related dust from circulating around the house. If this is the case in your home, you'll want to make sure your oven is working properly. No two houses are alike, so despite guidelines, you may need to change your boiler filter more often than your neighbor. Thanks to their pleats, filters such as the Honeywell ultra efficient filter (also available on Amazon) have more square inches of space to hold dust, so they tend to require fewer changes, usually every 90 days. As a general rule, to make allergy sufferers feel as comfortable as possible, change the oven filter every 30 to 60 days. The smell of burning in the oven is due to overheating of the fan motor or the filters themselves.

It consists of loosening the screws that hold the filter cover in place if it is located behind a return air vent or simply pulling the filter out of a slot if it is on the side of the oven. The filters are designed to trap dust and particles suspended in the air as air passes through the filter and enters the furnace system.

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